Everyone can make a CMS app
Mama is working
WordPress, the most popular CMS
Elias Katsaniotis

Elias Katsaniotis

      After Greek Army, I started with QBasic in QL, a computer brother of Spectrum, 2 Degrees, almost 2 Certificates, from GWBasic to Oracle Tech & IBM tech & Solaris Clusters, at almost 60s to CMS tech.
Monday, 30 September 2019 16:48

Characteristics of Drupal (2019)






Characteristics of Drupal

Drupal is the less popular is more difficult but has the best reputation, the below are it is main characteristics to learn it demands more time and effort, but if you love it to do it. If not it is ok. In the article, I  include the 19  main characteristics of Drupal, of course, it has more elements but you can read articles, see videos buy books, and course. If you want to learn about Drupal and its man characteristics you must read and play with it.




Comparing with WordPress is difficult

--- little difficult

Drupal is less popular

--- less popular (3,4 % CMS market)

It is FREE

--- Free

It is secure an important Drupal characteristic

--- most secure 

more main characteristics are:

It includes Cache functionality, main characteristic

--- Includes Cache functionality

It has its own Post Types also this is an important Drupal characteristic

-- includes post types

It includes deactivated Forum

---includes forum

It is proper for big and small projects

--- proper for  big scale projects

more  characteristics of Drupal are:

It is written in PHP

--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS 

It uses responsive templates

--- templates using Bootstrap 

It has free plugins and Themes

--- it has less of free Plugins & Templates

It is difficult to write a Theme or modify a Theme comparing with WordPress

--- it is using for every theme part a copy of the base theme file with the new modifications

It uses SEO links

–- it uses SEO URLs

Drupal is light

–- it is  light (faster)

more characteristics of Drupal  are:

Like WordPress, we can secure and optimize it via .htaccess

-– it includes SEO functionality , Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess

Comparing with WordPress has less community support

--- less  community support (since is less popular)

It is mobile friendly

-- Mobile-friendly (characteristic of Drupal)

Drupal can be used for a blog or e-shop

-- Blogging 

-- Ecommerce



Monday, 30 September 2019 16:48

Characteristics of Joomla (2019)




Joomla is less popular compared with WordPress, and a little difficult. In this article are the main Characteristics of Joomla, maybe to be more. This is a fast picture of this CMS. It has less support but you can find whatever you need. On the other hand, Drupal is still more difficult from the three. Joomla has its characteristics as every CMS. It is a matter of choice, every CMS has friends, and at the end of the day, the important is to have done your work with love, because love gives quality. I am using Joomla for this site. So follow the Characteristics of Joomla in a list format.


Joomla is less easy comparing with WordPress

-- less easy 

some other characteristics of Joomla are:

It has a smaller portion on the market than WordPress

--- popular (5,2% CMS market)

It is free

--- Free

It is secure

--- Secure 

It includes Cache Functionality

--- Includes Cache functionality

It is proper for communities

--- proper for communities

some other characteristics of Joomla are:

It is written in PHP

--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS (it uses MVC model)

Joomla has templates written in Bootstrap

--- templates using Bootstrap or other Frameworks of CSS

Comparing with WordPress, Joomla has fewer Plugins & Themes

--- it has less of free Plugins & Templates

Joomla does not use Child Themes, it uses Overwrites

--- it uses Overwrites for local template customization (so that to not overwritten from update)

It contains SEO technology

–- it uses URL configuration to create SEO URLs

some other characteristics of Joomla are:

Via .htaccess we can optimize, secure and add SEO functionality

-– it includes SEO functionality , Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess

Joomla has few sites hacked

–- Only 3% of sites hacked (2018)

Joomla, comparing with WordPress, has smaller Community Support

--- less  community support

It is mobile friendly

-- mobile-friendly

It has extensions

-- for webshops

-- Learning Management Systems (like our site)

-- and more




WordPress image



Intro to 19 most important Characteristics of WordPress

This article includes the main Characteristics of WordPress. I publish 19 Characteristics but are more. The question is what is WP and why use it and what are its characteristics? What makes it so popular? What are its main elements? WordPress is the most popular CMS. Some of the main characteristics if a CMS are: a system that we are able to change very fast the info position, the template, to add or remove plugins (prebuild blocks of code), to develop and finish very fast the web application. A CMS is a fast solution and especially WP is very good for one Developed. easy to learn and maintain, wit a lot of FREE plugins, Themes, and very big Community support. 



The 19 Most Important Characteristics of WordPress are listed below:

It is FREE and Popular best characteristic of WordPress

--- Free & -- 60% of market

It is very easy to learn an excellent Characteristic of WordPress

--- Easy to learn and maintain

It is Secure

--- Secure (third party plugins have bugs)

It needs Cache Plugins (not build in functionality like Joomla or Drupal)

--- Needs Cache plugins

It is a fantastic choice for blogs one of the FREE best Blogs platforms

--- proper for blogs

I've met site with up to 40000 register users

--- a maximum number of users 38,000

Written in PHP

--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS (uses the MVC model in the creation of widget),

some more WordPress characteristics are

it uses PHP procedural & its own Framework Language

--- most PHP code is Procedular and its own framework programming language

Template are using Bootstrap or other frameworks of CSS

--- templates using Bootstrap or other Frameworks of CSS

It uses a new editor Gutenberg and the Javascript Library React JS newest Characteristic of WordPress

-- new editor + Use React JS

some more Characteristics are:

It has a lot of plugins free and paid and a lot of Themes FREE or paid this characteristic means economy

--- it has a lot of free Plugins & Templates

It uses Child Themes, in order to not lose the local modification of your site

--- it uses Child Themes for local template customization (so that to not overwritten from update)

some other main Characteristics of WordPress are:

It uses SEO customizer

-- it uses permalinks for SEO optimization + plugins

It is light and cab easily optimized

– --it is light (fast)

We can optimize and secure by .htaccess and plugins

--- it is needed for SEO, Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess

some more Characteristics are:

A lot of sites have a Security problem because  of not updating or bad plugins are not secure

--- It has more than 80% sites hacked every year (not updated sites and bad plugins)

Very-Very big Community support this characteristic means for every problem we can have many solutions, articles, forums, online free and paid lessons

--- big community support

It is mobile-friendly (depends on Theme)

--- mobile-friendly

It has a very popular e-commerce solution
