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Displaying items by tag:Git and GitHub

We are going to rebuild the DevMarketer.io website from start to finish. I am going to show you the full process including discovery and design to show you what it takes to build a high quality web project. In the end we will have built a very advanced blog and CMS platform completely from scratch. It will also have forums, and multi-role authentication. There is a lot of good stuff coming up, so be sure to stay tuned! Subscribe if you haven't already to never miss an episode.
Basic Laravel How to Build a Blog with Laravel Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Basic Git Git-ing started with Git https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Basic Vue,js Vue.js Fundamentals https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 
Published in Laravel
Joomla community member Matt Thomas gives a detailed introduction to using GIT with Joomla development environments. He discusses with GSoC students the ways of GIT, and provides some useful and helpful hints in making GIT work for you. This is a part of the Joomla's Google Summer of Code Program, 2012. More information on Joomla's Google Summer of Code Program is available here: http://docs.joomla.org/GSOC_2012_Proj...
Published in Joomla
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