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About wplecturer.com

Our site is a FREE EDU site for people who need extra money, and maybe they do not have the time or can not pay for video tutorials These people may be to be:
  • - people who want to learn CMS tech
  • - women with baby without husband
  • - people who can not walk e.t.c.
  • - older people who need to work
  • - and more

You can earn money with many ways:

  • create an e-shop
  • create a blog
  • create an online school
  • create a forum
  • and more
We do not ask for money, or we do not ask for registration. We offer the knowledge that is given to Web free, and we are free of any liability.

We  believe that the knowledge of Open Source Software is FREE. To read the documentation is FREE. For many issues that need support, there are forums, videos online lessons, and more also FREE. So we present this FREE info also FREE. When you buy a course, you buy TIME and SUPPORT. The author covers a question and helps you to understand, even by answering questions or correcting your code.

This is our new version of wplecturer.com, we use:

We Have

  • a Vlog with youtube  video lessons
  • a Q&A Forum with material from Quora (my answers), Yahoo, Google and more