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      After Greek Army, I started with QBasic in QL, a computer brother of Spectrum, 2 Degrees, almost 2 Certificates, from GWBasic to Oracle Tech & IBM tech & Solaris Clusters, at almost 60s to CMS tech.
Wednesday, 02 December 2020 19:13

Sublime Text Book

This is a short look at one of the videos available in the Sublime Text Book + Video package. Buy it now at https://SublimeTextBook.com
Wednesday, 02 December 2020 19:09

CSS Grid Course!

Grab the entire FREE course, starter files and finished solutions over over at https://CSSGrid.io.
Wednesday, 02 December 2020 19:06

Heres how React's New Context API Works

Here is a quick video explaining how React’s new context API works. Grab the code here → https://github.com/wesbos/React-Context