Friday, 11 December 2020 13:16

Joomlashack Conference 2019

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Joomla 4 has been an evolution of nearly 15 years of Joomla's history. In this talk we'll look at Joomla 4, how it's going to help you build scalable, usable websites across the increasing number of platforms for your customers in the coming years, all whilst enabling content creators to do what they do best. We'll also look at how simple the upgrade path from Joomla 3.10 is going to be! This presentation is from the Joomlashack Conference 2019 We wrote a detailed breakdown of this video at
Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:25

Joomla Demo Site 3 - Hotel Site

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From the  Youtube Channel:







Create a site for a hotel:





Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:19

Joomla Demo Site 2

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From the  Youtube Channel:





Build a Joomla Website - 2013 - Easy!









Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:13

Joomla Demo Site 1

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From the  Youtube Channel:



Build a Joomla Website in 1 Hour! - 2013 (Joomla 3!)








This video was recorded during our weekly online Joomla User Group. Randy spoke about how to really provide value to customers through development work. He talked using a "chunking" strategy to make it easy for users to add content.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 18:33

An Introduction to Watchful with Vic Drover

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We welcome Vic Drover from for this user group. Vic has built a fascinating business that we rely on here at Joomlashack. Vic runs a business that deals with site maintenance for 10,000's of Joomla sites.
Joomla users tend to know a lot about securing their websites. But website security best practices is literally the tip of the web agency security pyramid. In this presentation, Victor will discuss the three levels of this pyramid. He will put website security in context with the other levels of security that are recommended for successful agencies that are highly trusted by their clients. This presentation is from the Joomlashack Conference 2019
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 18:23

JAB18 - Using Joomla Component Builder

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by Marco Dings Joomla Component Builder (JCB) is but one of the solutions to helping you build your component. Until now JCB has kept out much of the spotlight, but it is definitively an alternative to consider. JCB has been around for quite some time it is opensource and as such its "free", it recently stepped up its documentation effort. There is a learning curve to using JCB as the tool was initially setup with a developer mind. Having said that, that is what kind of attracted me to it as one of the features allows for modification of any of the generated source-code which then is "imported" back into the builder so when you "regenerate" you will not loose them. Theoretically that could mean that when going to joomla 4 ( when support is ready ) you can compile/regenerate and have a joomla 4 component. JCB supports many standard joomla concept so you get ACL, multilingual, version-history, categories, repeatable sub-form fields out of the box, as well as support for bs3, ui-kit, bs4 . In this session want to share with you experiences based on the use-case of a website i was volunteered/drafted to by my son Alex. Since the area to be covered is so complex i will not be able to cover all, but it should give a good impression if it would to the job for you.
By Tim Davis
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 18:15

Joomla Development Workflow

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by Joseph LeBlanc