Friday, 18 December 2020 20:05

How To Make A Website With Elementor Pro 2021

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In this Elementor Pro tutorial, I will show you step by step how you can create a professional WordPress website from scratch. You will not only create an amazing WordPress website, but you will become a pro in Elementor Pro. After watching this tutorial you are able to create websites for clients. I did my best to show you as much as possible without making this a 7-hour tutorial. Elementor Pro is in my opinion the best premium page builder there is. It gives you the ability to create every single aspect of your website. That is why you don't need a theme for it. Normally you use a page builder in combination with a theme. That can cause problems since they can have overlapping settings. With Elementor Pro and the empty theme Hello (made by Elementor), you can create everything from scratch. And that is what I will show you in this video. How to create your own header, footer, blogpost template, blog archive template. We will cover a lot! We also talk about importing pre-made optimized templates so you can save yourself a ton of time! After watching this tutorial you do not only have a website, but you will have a ton of knowledge about creating websites with Elementor Pro. You can decide to become a Web Design Agency after watching this tutorial.
Learn how to an eye-catching wedding website for your big day with this step-by-step WordPress tutorial!
Thursday, 17 December 2020 09:45

What To Learn In 2021 With WordPress

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In this video, I go over a few goals I have for 2021.
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 17:25

SEO for WordPress (yoast) from Ferdy Korpershoek

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SEO for WordPress  (yoast) from  Ferdy Korpershoek



Tuesday, 08 December 2020 17:06

WordPress & PHP

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PHP for WordPress


Official Documentation  Coding Standards


From the Official Documentation :  I choose two options :


Zen Developer Zone




PHP for WordPress -- Variables

PHP for WordPress - Variables

$varaiable1  = "Hello world";
echo $variable1;


Variables always start with $

PHP for WordPress -- Conditional

PHP for WordPress  --  Conditional


$mynumber = 15;
if ($mymber > 10) {
        echo 'number bigger than 10'


        echo 'number smaller than 10';

PHP for WordPress -- Loops

PHP for WordPress  --  Loops

 Official documentation WP Loop (Please Read)

if ( have_posts() ) :
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
        the_title( '<h2>', '</h2>' );
   _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'textdomain' );

This was an example of the famous WP loop.


Below are noted for the PHP loops

---with the break, we go out from the loop


PHP for WordPress -- Functions

PHP for WordPress  --  Functions



function add($var1, $var2) {
return $var1 + $var2;
$result1 = add(5, 3); //= 8
echo $result1;


Start with the word Function

Maybe accepts input (it can have defaults)

We invoke it from our site.




Learn to create a completely responsive website from scratch using WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScpript, and PHP. Also, learn to create a custom WordPress theme.
✅ Learn How To Make A Wordpress Website Step By Step. Simple And Easy 
Need a Dropshipping Website? You're in luck! In this tutorial I'll show you Step-By-Step How to Create a Dropshipping Website with WordPress!