• Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more
  • Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more
  • Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more
  • Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more
  • Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more
  • Welcome to our Free Cms learning platoform, we include a Vlog with Youtube lessons and a Q&A forum from Quora, Yahoo. Google and more

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Displaying items by tag:Tips on Building an LMS

Thursday, 30 April 2020 08:56

Tips on Building an LMS , an Online School


Introduction on Tips Building an LMS

This is the last article on Online Education. I will underline some important areas that you must investigate if you want to run an Online School. The best Tip on building an LMS is to be always a student of your area of expertise, you must work hard and you have to know it.

The most popular free LMS is MOODLE. It can be integrated with WordPress via Bridge software. Here are the links:

Link to moodle.org   

Link to Bridge of WP

 other Tips on Building an LMS are:

General Tips on building an Online Education Site (LMS)

  • You must study what competitors do.
  • You need to speak with an Accountant for taxation
  • You need to speak with a lawyer  for "Terms" and "Privacy" pages and other topics that a site is needed according to low
  • And of course, you can have parallel courses on many educational sites.
  • You must use many other sites, communities in order to promote your course (Facebook, YouTube, e.t.c).
  • You must optimize your site, and build an SEO friendly site.
  • you must be patient
  • see what others do
  • in your area of interest, you must study and know the majority of info
  • to offer what the people need (solve problems in areas of big interest)
  • validate the content, what is asking the market?
  • do not forget the family
  • do a little gymnastic
  • have main targets  and minor (keep a diary)
  • if a task is difficult then break it in smaller tasks
  • to take feedback (how many see your article/course, with Google Analytics is away)
  • how may stars give to your course?   
  • communicate with students to learn what is not good for them
  • all we do mistakes and we have failures, but we learn and we have progressed at the end. Since a lot of people create LMS sites then everyone can create, the quality is coming with experience, clear thinking, few lessons, and the help of God.
  • work with love

others tips on building an LMS are: 

You are going to build the site or you are going to hire an engineer?

  • Can you build the site, if you have the knowledge do it and refactor it until you make it as good as you can?
  • There are many sites with prebuild option, just click and the site is ready, then update, delete, add info.
  • Or find a web engineer, to make the site.


What is your budget -Tips on building an Online Education Site (LMS)?

  • You need to pay for the LMS software, the domain name, the hosting company, the hosting company of videos, the PayPal or other payment gateway (per sales amount of money), and programs like Video editing and capture for your lessons.
  • Some programs we pay one's a year or more years depending on what we want.
  • There are also expenses of the Template, plugins/extensions, the payment of web developers, and possible support contracts.


What is your site content -Tips on building an Online Education Site (LMS)?

  • You want to produce or/and offer pdf books?
  • Do you want to have a blog?   (can you write articles or you will have to pay?)
  • What form of lessons are you going to have? (video, text, PowerPoint, photos with text, slides e.t.c)
  • Do you want to have an Online Community?
  • Do you want to offer support or making projects or writing plugins/themes?


So I wish all the future owners of Online Schools all the best in their efforts to create great sites.


Demo WordPress Installations  (there are few LMS installations full of Tips):

Follow the link


Published in Learning Systems (LMS)