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Displaying items by tag:Bootstrap

Thursday, 17 September 2020 17:06

Full membership website using Bootstrap & PHP Code

Akin The Computer Guy

A free full-course step-by-step tutorial on how to design membership site with register, login, logout, sessions, admin backend-side. Bootstrap, it features steps to create a signup page, login page, members area page, admin backend page and also teaches on how to create a database using XAMPP. The tutorial is free. To make your own request for any Video Tutorial on (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Php and other programming language), kindly comment below. For more updates, kindly subscribe to my channel For Errors, kindly comment below (and state the area not clear) if possible with snapshots Enjoy - Kindly SHARE this Video with your friends - DROP your Comments Below - Video, LIKE it! - And kindly SUBSCRIBE I have lots of fun-filling and highly intuitive Free Tutorials on CorelDraw, Microsoft Word, PHP, MySQL and More... Check @ youtube.com/c/AkinTheComputerGuy
Published in PHP