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Displaying items by tag:MySQL Tools

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 16:05

Tools to manage MySQL

Tools to manage MySQL - Intro

In most CMS' and frameworks we are using MySQL database. There are some tools that facilitate the management of the database.

In this lesson, I am going to present the most popular:

WordPress has also some plugins that are able to manage the database from within the Dashboard.



Tools to manage MySQL - CLI & WorKbench

MySQL  Workbench:    It is a GUI that manages  the database (it is a native app of MySQL)


MySQL CLI: It is the Command Line Interface



Tools to manage MySQL - phpMYadmin

 The phpMYadmin is the most popular GUI to manage the database. XAMPP and other packages are using it.


Tools to manage MySQL - HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is another good alternative.


Tools to manage MySQL - WordPress

There are some WordPress plugins for this task, like:


Published in Databases