The most recent stable release, recommended for production websites running J! 4.4/5.0/5.1, is Kunena 6.3.7Details about changes in last release of Kunena 6.3 are contained in the release notes at
Build with jQuery, Bootstrap (2.x,3.x and 4.x) and Fontawesome 6
Uses CKeditor 4
Highly configurable
Upload attachments in Ajax with drag&drop support
Upload avatar in Ajax
Save moderation actions with log system and system error
Rate topic
Support polls in topic
Buit-in template installation support
Integration plugins to work with : AltaUserpoint, Community Builder, Jomsocial, Easyblog, Easyprofile, Easysocial, Uddeim and gravatar
Support in messages embded tweet, soundcloud, instagram and ebay